Up to six months of huge vibrant blooms The Desert Rose or ‘Adenium’ brings a tropical look wherever it goes with its large flowers that start to bloom in the early spring and last all the way until fall. By storing water in their wide trunks Desert Roses are highly self-sufficient and can survive heat waves and droughts with very little attention. They’re the perfect hands free blooming trees for busy gardeners. Desert Roses are low maintenance plants that will fit any project. They can be kept small as an indoor bonsai and they will amaze your friends and coworkers if kept on a tabletop, or on your desk at work. Desert Roses can also be kept in a larger container for an accent tree that will bring an island getaway vibe to any space. If planted in the ground Desert Roses grow to about 6 feet tall, allowing them to fit anywhere, even under utility lines or by the pool. The possibilities for Desert Roses are endless. Simply decide where yours will look best and prepare for up to six months of blooms. Each flower has a radiant hue that fades into white in the center, bright hues pop against the Desert Rose’s dark, lush leaves for an explosion of tropical color. The trunk is a shade of light grey with a unique shape. It’s wider at the bottom while the top is narrow, giving it a pyramidal shape. Your family and neighbors won’t be able to resist the urge to ask about the tropical land where your Dessert Rose came from.
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