Reblooming Red-Pink Lilac for Small Spaces Why Red Pixie Lilac Trees? Delivering compact growth with big color impact, Red Pixie Lilac is a must-have. For starters, it’s known for its upright, rounded growth habit in a dwarf silhouette that’s perfect for smaller spaces. Late spring welcomes a profusion of aromatic red-pink blooms that last into early summer, often repeating again later in the season and again in early fall. That means you get a rainbow of reds and pinks juxtaposed against small, bright green foliage that gives you a huge amount of color throughout summer. The Red Pixie’s foliage then transitions to a blazing yellow in fall, giving you the best yard on the block with month-to-month interest. Why is Better Aside from its long blooming period and symphony of color, your Red Pixie Lilac Tree is better because of its strong start. Your tree arrives at your doorstep with a healthier root system and more developed branching. That’s because we’ve planted and meticulously grown your tree…completing the hard work ahead of time so that there’s no guesswork in growing for you. Now, you reap the rewards of vivid color and virtually no upkeep. Order your Red Pixie Lilac today!
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